CESPU, Copa-Cogeca, Europatat, Euroseeds and Starch Europe’s statement on New Genomic Techniques in potato breeding
CESPU, Copa-Cogeca, Europatat, Euroseeds and Starch Europe’s statement on [...]
Joint Starch Europe-ENSA-EUVEPRO Contribution: Public Consultation on the review of the EU Agricultural Promotion Policy
Contribution to the public consultation on the review of [...]
Starch Europe Supports EUBA’s Statement on the Revised Delegated Act on Climate-Related Objectives
As a founding member of the European Bioeconomy Alliance [...]
Primary Food Processors warn on the detrimental effect of a no-deal Brexit scenario on their industries.
Primary Food Processors (PFP) yesterday published a press release [...]
Between the Farm and the Fork: Starch Europe held a Lively Debate
Between the Farm and the Fork: A lively discussion [...]
Starch Europe Position on the EU Farm to Fork Strategy
Starch Europe Position on the EU Farm to Fork [...]