Since its creation in 1959, the major policy tool of the EU which has influenced the supply, quality and price of EU agricultural raw materials has been the Common Agricultural Policy. Going forward, the CAP, and notably Member State national strategic plans, will be a key enabler in the delivery of the EU’s ambitious Green Deal agenda, in particular the EU biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies. Crucial to Starch Europe is that these national CAP strategic plans are closely monitored in order to ensure no new distortions to the EU single market emerge.

Why is 2015 the right time to abolish EU production quotas on sugar

2020-09-21T12:04:30+00:00April 1, 2012

2015 is the right time for the abolition of EU production quotas on sugar and isoglucose because it will end the outdated, unfair and uncompetitive treatment of isoglucose. The current quota regime artificially limits production of isoglucose (cereal-based sugar) to a tiny fraction (4%) of the overall EU sugar and isoglucose consumption market [...]

AAF position on the single CMO – sugar reform

2020-09-21T12:04:30+00:00January 1, 2012

Working towards a sustainable and competitive sugars sector in Europe: the AAF, the European starch industry Association, strongly supports the abolition of production quotas for sugar and isoglucose by October 2015, and calls on the European Parliament and the Member States to [...]

EU starch industry public contribution on CAP 2020

2020-09-21T12:04:30+00:00January 24, 2011

The European starch industry is pleased to contribute to the Commission’s consultation on the CAP towards 2020 with items of direct relevance to its competitiveness. For this reason, the European starch industry focuses its contribution on questions no. 1 to 3 [...]

EU starch industry’s view on the future of sugar regime of the post-2013 CAP

2020-09-21T12:04:30+00:00September 10, 2010

The european starch industry's views on the future of the sugar regime in the framework of the post-2013 CAP. The European starch industry is an important economic player in European economy and rural development, that represents primary food processors that sell to the second transformation industry. It is an important agro-industry [...]

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  • Avenue des Arts, 43, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
  • +32 2 289 67 60
  • info@starch.local
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