


Environmental impacts of starch products

December 1, 2008

The EU starch industry contribution to the EU sustainable consumption and production policies: In the framework of the increasing concerns of the manufacturing and retailing industry to provide information on the environmental impact of products to the final consumers [...], the European starch industry is pleased to put forward its own contribution [...]

Allergen labelling of wheat-based products – permanent exemption

November 1, 2007

Permanent exemption obtained for “allergen labelling” of wheat-based maltodextrins, glucose syrups, dextrose: We are pleased to announce that on the basis of EFSA opinions, on 28 November 2007 the Commission published with Directive 2007/68/EC [...]

Co-products of the starch industry are NOT waste!

September 1, 2006

By-products from the EU starch industry are to be considered as products on their own rights and not as waste! The manufacture of these by-products is a part of our production process in its own rights. These by-products are manufactured with the same philosophy as for the other products.

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  • +32 2 289 67 60
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