Environmental impacts of starch products
The EU starch industry contribution to the EU sustainable consumption and production policies: In the framework of the increasing concerns of the manufacturing and retailing industry to provide information on the environmental impact of products to the final consumers [...], the European starch industry is pleased to put forward its own contribution [...]
Allergen labelling of wheat-based products – permanent exemption
Permanent exemption obtained for “allergen labelling” of wheat-based maltodextrins, glucose syrups, dextrose: We are pleased to announce that on the basis of EFSA opinions, on 28 November 2007 the Commission published with Directive 2007/68/EC [...]
EU starch producers of wheat gluten do not use melamine to boost protein content
AAF is aware of the situation in North America where [...]
Co-products of the starch industry are NOT waste!
By-products from the EU starch industry are to be considered as products on their own rights and not as waste! The manufacture of these by-products is a part of our production process in its own rights. These by-products are manufactured with the same philosophy as for the other products.
Role of the EU starch industry in the development of the EU starch-based chemistry sector
The EU starch industry has a role to play in the development of an EU starch-based chemistry
Nutrition labelling of products of the starch industry
Recommendation of the EU starch industry on how to deal with the nutrition labelling of foodstuffs of which starch products are ingredients.
Implementation of the Food, Drink and Milk BREF to the starch sector
Implementation of the Food, Drink and Milk BREF to the [...]
Production and sale of acid-hydrolysed wheat proteins intended for food
AAC position regarding the production and sale of acid-hydrolysed wheat proteins [...]