


EU starch industry – disappointed at Dantin report on sugar quotas

June 1, 2012

On 31 May 2012, Michel Dantin (EPP, France), European Parliament rapporteur on the CAP Single CMO proposal, published his draft report. The draft report proposes extending the EU sugar regime until 2019/20. With the end of milk quotas in 2015, sugar and isoglucose [...]

Why is 2015 the right time to abolish EU production quotas on sugar

April 1, 2012

2015 is the right time for the abolition of EU production quotas on sugar and isoglucose because it will end the outdated, unfair and uncompetitive treatment of isoglucose. The current quota regime artificially limits production of isoglucose (cereal-based sugar) to a tiny fraction (4%) of the overall EU sugar and isoglucose consumption market [...]

AAF position on the single CMO – sugar reform

January 1, 2012

Working towards a sustainable and competitive sugars sector in Europe: the AAF, the European starch industry Association, strongly supports the abolition of production quotas for sugar and isoglucose by October 2015, and calls on the European Parliament and the Member States to [...]

AAF policy on GMOs for the food & feed sector

October 17, 2011

Regulations 1829/2003/EC and 1830/200/EC on GMOs have been published in the Official Journal on 18 October 2003 and entered into force on April 19th, 2004. This legislation defines [...]

Eco-profile study of starch products

June 1, 2011

The EU starch industry to perform an environmental impacts assessment of its products and co-products: Under the pressure of the various initiatives aiming at providing end consumers with information on the environmental impacts of products, the customers of the European starch industry are increasingly interested in developing the environmental footprints of the products they manufacture or market. [...]

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