Starch Industry reaction to European Parliament vote on sugar
European Parliament vote disappointing but declining support for sugar quotas signals [...]
EU starch industry statement on abolition of production quotas on sugar and isoglucose
In support of the Open letter to European leaders calling to “put an end to distorting sugar production quotas and support jobs and growth across the EU food chain [...]
Dantin’s compromise on the sugar regime merely extends an anti-competitive system
Brussels, 14 January 2013 – The European Starch Industry Association (AAF) is strongly opposed to the proposed compromise amendment on the sugar regime tabled by the EP Rapporteur Dantin (EPP, FR) and some shadow rapporteurs [...]
EU sugar and isoglucose quotas must not be extended until 2020
Further delays in ending the EU quotas on sugar and isoglucose will hold back necessary investments and prolong chronic shortfalls in European sugar supply [...]
EU starch industry publishes Life Cycle Assessment study of starch products
The European Starch Industry Association, AAF, published today the summary report of its Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study of its products. Following on from an earlier LCA study in 2001 for some products, this new study [...]
EU starch industry – disappointed at Dantin report on sugar quotas
On 31 May 2012, Michel Dantin (EPP, France), European Parliament rapporteur on the CAP Single CMO proposal, published his draft report. The draft report proposes extending the EU sugar regime until 2019/20. With the end of milk quotas in 2015, sugar and isoglucose [...]
The contribution of the starch sector towards a bioeconomy in 2020
Starch is renewable and biodegradable. As such it is a well-suited raw material for the sustainable use of agricultural products in the bio-based industry. For the last 30 years, the [...]
Why is 2015 the right time to abolish EU production quotas on sugar
2015 is the right time for the abolition of EU production quotas on sugar and isoglucose because it will end the outdated, unfair and uncompetitive treatment of isoglucose. The current quota regime artificially limits production of isoglucose (cereal-based sugar) to a tiny fraction (4%) of the overall EU sugar and isoglucose consumption market [...]
Safeguarding the competitiveness of the EU potato starch sector
According to the Commission’s proposal, Member States may grant coupled support to farmers producing starch potatoes (article 38). AAF believes it is of utmost importance [...]