


PFP position on Official Controls

March 19, 2014

The EU Primary Food Processors (PFP) would like to express their view on the package of legislative measures on official controls [...]

AAF statement on REACH

March 3, 2014

AAF position on the status of starch and starch-derived products and starch by-products in the context of REACH with regard to their use in applications other than food, feed and pharma ...

AAF position on EU-US TTIP

October 9, 2013

The EU starch industry asks for exclusion of various starch products and co-products in the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) negotiations with the US. [...]

AAF position on EU-Thailand FTA

September 9, 2013

Thailand is the world’s biggest exporter of starch, the world’s largest producer of native tapioca starch produced manioc starch and the third world producer of the manioc roots, which produce tapioca.[...]

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