Statement on the decision of the Chinese Minister of Commerce to extend the anti-dumping duties on exports of EU potato starch to China

19 February 2019


Starch Europe regrets the decision of the Chinese Minister of Commerce (MOFCOM), which is not supported by facts and figures.

On 19 February 2019, the MOFCOM published its final decision issued on 2 February (see here), to extend for another 5 years the anti-dumping duties ranging from 12,6% to 56,7% on exports of EU potato starch to China. These duties have been applied since August 2006. The anti-dumping duties come on top of the anti-subsidy duties ranging from 7.5% to 12,4% also applied on EU export of potato starch to China, that were also extended for another 5 years from15 September 2017.

The initial case was launched in 2006. On the basis of the complaint issued further to the launch of the expiry review on 5 February 2018, Starch Europe registered as an interested party to represent the sector and opposed the continuation of the anti-dumping duties arguing that allegations are not substantiated by facts Starch Europe is disappointed and regrets the decision of the MOFCOM.

Starch Europe calls on the authorities to discontinue these duties and to fully investigate why, in spite of substantial protection in place for more than 10 years, the Chinese potato starch industry remains in a state of "fragility and vulnerability".




For further information, please contact:

Claire Grosbois, Economic Affairs Officer


Phone number : +32 2 289 67 62

February 19, 2019

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