Starch Europe welcomes the political agreement on EU-Japan Economic Partnership

20 July 2017


On 6 July, the EU and Japan signed a political agreement on an Economic Partnership after 4 years of negotiations. Starch Europe welcomes the agreement and looks forward to  improved access to the Japanese market for EU starch products.

Reacting to the news of the agreement reached, Jamie Fortescue, Starch Europe Managing Director, said:

‘With customs duties as high as 900 Euros per tonne for some starch products, access to the Japanese market for EU starch producers today is extremely challenging. The political agreement signed on 6 July should pave the way to new export opportunities for many EU starch producers. Starch Europe looks forward to the publication of the details of the concessions granted on EU starch products and hopes the deal will be finalised and implemented with minimum delay. We much appreciate the work of Commissioner Malmström and Commissioner Hogan in achieving this important step for the EU-Japan trade and thank them for their continued commitment to its rapid completion.’



For further information, please contact:

Claire Grosbois, Economic Affairs Officer


Link to the statement "Starch Europe welcomes the political agreement on EU-Japan Economic Partnership"


July 20, 2017

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