13 OCTOBER 2016

PFP welcomes the European Parliament’s Industry Committee vote on the revision of the EU ETS

Today 13 October, the ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) Committee of the European Parliament agreed on its opinion for the revision of the EU ETS Directive[1].

PFP sectors welcome the outcome of today’s ITRE vote. PFP supports the position of the ITRE Committee that all sectors on the carbon leakage list should receive 100% free allowances, in line with the Commission proposal.

PFP also welcomes the proposal from the ITRE members to set realistic benchmarks based on recent and real data.

It is also very positive to see that members of the ITRE Committee propose to have a harmonized framework for the compensation of the EU ETS indirect costs. This will provide a level playing field for EU installations covered by the EU ETS.

PFP now encourages the ENVI (Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) Committee of the European Parliament to build on the progress made so far by the ITRE Committee as it is definitely a step in the right direction.

Please find here the PFP position on the revision of the EU ETS Directive.

For more information, please contact Loïc Gruson, loic.gruson@starch.local, +32 2 289 67 65

The Primary Food Processors of the EU (PFP) consists of six trade associations:

European Starch Industry Association (Starch Europe)

European Committee of Sugar Manufacturers (CEFS)

European Cocoa Association (ECA)

European Flour Milling Association (European Flour Millers)

European Vegetable Protein Federation (EUVEPRO)

European Vegetable Oil and Proteinmeal Industry (FEDIOL)

PFP represents the European primary food processing industries. It provides the link between agricultural raw materials and final products (secondary processors in the food, feed and non-food sectors). PFP members process approximately 220 million tons of raw materials (cereals, sugar beet, rapeseeds, soybeans, sunflower seeds, cocoa beans, crude vegetable oil, starch potatoes…) employing over 120 000 people in the European Union. Their economic contribution was recently assessed by the LEI Wageningen UR Report: “Primary Food Processing, cornerstone of plant-based food production and the bio-economy in Europe”

[1] Commission proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC to enhance cost-effective emission reductions and low carbon investments

Link to the press release: PFP welcomes the European Parliament's Industry Committee vote on the revision of the EU ETS

October 14, 2016

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5. Sustainability

The EU starch industry is a pillar of the sustainable food system.

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