Implementation of the Food, Drink and Milk BREF to the starch sector
The AAF has compiled a reference table (available here) to enable national authorities to identify clearly the Best Available Techniques that are relevant to the starch sector and to help implement the recently finalised Food, Drink and Milk BREF taking into account the specificities of the European starch sector.
The European starch industry has participated in the work of the European IPPC Bureau from the beginning of the drafting process until the adoption of the BREF. The AAF collaborated on various topics amongst which the consumption and emission levels relevant to our sector (section 3.3.7). The AAF provided the diagrams detailing the production process of starch and sweeteners from wheat, maize or potato (section 2.2.8.); these diagrams are indicative, but representative of the processes currently in place in our industry.
The AAF fully supports the conclusions for the starch industry part of the Food, Drink and Milk BREF. It agrees with the Best Available Techniques listed in Chapter 5 of the BREF and would like to draw your attention to the fact that the technique of land spreading is duly recognized as a BAT (BAT no. 22 in section 5.1). The AAF generally agrees with the indicative emissions levels to air and water.
By clarifying each unit operation specific to the starch sector, we hope to ease the use of this hefty BREF document when applying it to our industry.
Download the PDF statement here
Download the reference table here