Our Decarbonisation Roadmap
Following the publication of our latest LCA Study in 2022, and after many months of collaborative work from experts across our membership, we have launched our Decarbonisation Roadmap 2019-2030.
With this, we are targeting a 25% reduction in our GHG emissions per tonne of starch (Scope 1 and Scope 2), as a sector, between 2019 and 2030, and are further committing to reporting on the results through a full sector-wide LCA study in 2031.
As part of the Roadmap, Starch Europe have also outlined a number of proposed means to achieve their targets, as well as a series of political and financial measures needed to achieve this ambitious reduction goal.
This sector-level commitment is the first of its kind within the Agrifood industry.
Click here to read the full decarbonisation roadmap.