Updated position on the EU-US TTIP
Updated position on the EU-US Transatlantic Trade and Investment Parnership [...]
Joint Starch Europe/CESPU statement on potato starch sustainability
Why EU starch potatoes and EU potato starch are sustainable [...]
Starch Europe and others launch the European Bioeconomy Alliance
Press Release Starch Europe and others launch the European Bioeconomy [...]
An industrial renaissance for the EU Starch Industry
In its Communication ‘For a European Industrial Renaissance’ (COM (2014) 14 Final) of 22 January 2014, the European Commission sets the ambitious objective of increasing the GDP contribution of EU industry from its current level of 15.1% to 20% by 2020. This paper outlines how the EU starch industry can contribute to this objective and how EU decision makers can help maximise that contribution.
EU starch industry welcomes Commission’s announcement on ETS and Carbon Leakage
Brussels, 9 July 2014 - The AAF strongly welcomes today’s endorsement, by the Climate Change Committee*, of the Commission’s decision not to change the criteria for the eligibility of EU industry sectors that are covered by the EU Emission Trading Scheme to be in the carbon leakage list. [...]
PFP position paper on resource efficiency
Primary Food Processors (PFP) are the largest users of domestic grains, starch, potatoes, sugar beet, oilseeds and crude vegetable oils inthe EU. [...]
AAF response to WHO draft guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children
The EU Starch Industry Association, the AAF, represents the EU producers of starch and starch derivatives. [...]
Joint comments European Bioplastics-AAF proposed Directive to reduce plastic bags consumption
Considerations of European Bioplastics and AAF concerning the proposed Directive to reduce consumption of plastic bags. [...]
PFP position on Official Controls
The EU Primary Food Processors (PFP) would like to express their view on the package of legislative measures on official controls [...]
PFP position on Country Of Origin Labelling (COOL)
PFP would like the current EU voluntary origin labelling rules to be maintained [...]