Over 20 Years of Transparency and Action
We pride ourselves in being first movers on many fronts. A constant drive for innovation has led European starch producers to being pioneers in the Bioeconomy, with the uses and applications of our sustainable ingredient - starch - and its derivatives expanding constantly to accomodate our customer's needs.
Starch Europe (then AAF) conducted its first Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) Study in 2001, as one of the first sectors to do so. We have continued to update and repeat - and deepen and broaden - this LCA exercise at regular intervals since then, as you can see below.
In 2022, we published the results of our most recent sector-wide LCA Study. This study - the deepest and broadest to date - showed that in the preceding 10 years, the sector had achieved an overall reduction of 19% in GHG emissions per tonne of starch, between 2009 and 2019.
After many months of collaborative work from experts across our membership, we have launched our Decarbonisation Roadmap 2019-2030. With this, we are targeting a 25% reduction in our GHG emissions per tonne (Scope 1 and Scope 2), as a sector, between 2019 and 2030, and are further committing to reporting on the results through a full sector-wide LCA study in 2031. You can read all about it here.
This sector-level commitment is the first of its kind within the Agrifood industry.