The European cereal starch industry (AAC) extracts starch and proteins from cereal grains and processes them into a wide range of products in food, non-food and animal feed applications[spacer size="20"]
The starch industry is committed to take responsible action to respect the natural environment. To meet this objective, it combines an efficient production with effective environmental protection through a continual improvement of its environmental performances and practices.[spacer size="10"]
The starch industry ensures the efficient use of natural and renewable resources and the promotion of sustainable development.[spacer size="10"]
Indeed, in view of respecting the environment, starch producers use :
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- Effective management systems.
- Best Available Techniques (BAT) as a reference.[/list]
In this context, the starch industry's daily business integrates :
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- Environmental objectives into planning and business operations. The starch industry complies with European and Member States regulatory and legislative requirements and permits.
- Prevention of pollution. The starch industry limits the emissions of greenhouse gases and the nuisances caused by odours, noise and particulate emissions. It also limits the impact of the treated wastewater on the environment.
- Preservation of natural resources. The starch industry aims at reducing its consumption of water and energy.
- Preservation of renewable resources by appropriate use, re-use, recycling and recovery of materials and products. The starch industry recovers all the cereal grain components and minimises the production of waste by prevention and recycling.
- Awareness of environmental performances and issues through working constructively with authorities, relevant local bodies, customers and general public. The starch industry maintains a pro-active and constructive relationship with all the stakeholders.
- Full awareness of employees, contractors and suppliers on the role they have to play in reducing environmental impact of processes, services and products. Starch companies organise training courses for all the persons involved in the production chain to improve their knowledge of all environmental impacts and issues.[/list]
October 1, 2002