Building Growth & Competitiveness: The EU Starch Industry's Political Priorities for 2024-2029

The European starch industry plays a pivotal role in the EU food, feed and industrial sectors providing essential ingredients for a wide range of products.

The industry equally plays a crucial role in supporting rural economies across the EU, sourcing the raw materials it needs from European farmers, and having its plants located in rural areas.

However, the industry is currently facing significant challenges that threaten its competitiveness and economic sustainability. The development of a strong EU Industrial policy should be a priority, both to strengthen and increase the resilience of the EU industry, thus allowing us to continue to contribute to EU economic growth, but also to support the transition to more sustainable production and consumption in line with the ambitions of moving towards a more sustainable food system.

The following points are strong priorities for our industry for the next political mandate, to ensure that together we can build growth and competitiveness:

A reliable supply of sustainable EU agricultural raw materials at competitive prices

Financial and policy support to reach decarbonisation targets

A holistic approach to sustainability

A supportive EU trade policy

A predictable regulatory environment

May 24, 2024